Adaptil is a pheromone product – it is a synthetic copy of the dog appeasing pheromone which lactating mothers produce, which means that it makes dogs feel safe and secure, reducing stress and anxiety.
Rebecca was keen to try it out on their dog Dougal, a 10 year-old fox terrier. Dougal has always been a timid dog, avoiding strangers and too much contact with other dogs. He is otherwise fairly happy and has become very fat and lazy over the past year or so, which we put down to ageing.
Within hours of putting an Adaptil collar on, Dougal was a different dog – such a happy little man!
A month down the track Dougal has lost 2 kg, because he now comes outside every time we go out, he races around, plays with our other dogs and is noticeably more relaxed around the kids. We notice that he spends a lot more time hanging out with us in the lounge, rather than keeping to himself in the bedroom like he used to.
There are no downsides to Adaptil, with no known side-effects of the collars and we highly recommend trying it on your pet if there is a possibility that your pet is nervous, fearful or stressed.
Adaptil is also proven to work well on puppies at rehoming time, helping to make the transition to a new home less stressful. Fear prevents pups from being able to learn and adapt, so reducing fear helps to make puppies more trainable, adaptable and better socialised. This in turn results in significantly better behaved adult dogs
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