What Is Sheep Measles? Sheep measles is the common name given to lesions in sheep and goats caused by an “intermediate stage” of a tapeworm parasite. This parasite stage is also known as Cysticercus ovis. The “primary stage” of the parasite is a tapeworm (Taenia ovis) which infects the intestine of dogs. Sheep measles is commonly […]
Things To Watch For If Grazing Brassica Crops
Brassica crops are a great source of feed during the months where feed demands are increased and pasture may not fully be able to provide this. While it is a great feed, there are a few animal health problems that can be associated with them. Bloat Bloat can occur from within hours of introduction to […]
Pre-Lamb Vaccination Of Ewes
Why do we need to vaccinate ewes pre-lambing? Pre-lamb vaccination of ewes with Ultravac 5 in 1 is a very wise investment. The main 5 clostridial diseases are tetanus, pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia), black leg, black disease and malignant oedema. These are a constant threat to all sheep and cattle. Clostridial spores can last in the […]